#安卓#Anbox is a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system
翻译 - Anbox是一种基于容器的方法,可以在常规GNU / Linux系统上引导完整的Android系统
#安卓#anbox-modules-dkms for kernel - resurrected aur.archlinux.org/anbox-modules-dkms for ongoing maintaining. Next Generation Box Modules DKMS (ngbox). WayDroid, Anbox Halium, Droid Native, Dock Droid + B...
Implement graphic bridging from anbox on WSL2 to render program on win10
#安卓#x86_64 port of https://source.puri.sm/sebastian.krzyszkowiak/anbox-image-builder
#安卓#Port of aur pkgbuild anbox-image-gapps to work on debian based distros