A native Node.js producer and consumer library for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
Claim for Crown Court Defence, formerly Advocate Defence Payments (ADP), aka Crime Billing Online (CBO)
This library is intended to simplify the use from Microchip Data Visualizer via the Atmel Data Protocol
Repository for the Quupe Community Project - Spring 2018
CartNet repository to predict properties from crystal structures
A Google Chrome Extension that autofills your ADP Timecard with predefined entries.
Repository for the Edify Community Project - Summer 2018
Reportizer is a TS/JS library for interacting with the Report Portal API. Works best with cucumber-js.
Repository for the AssistList Community Project - Summer 2018
HAW Hamburg - AD Praktikum (Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen) WS20/21 - Prof. Dr. Christoph Klauck
HAW Hamburg - AD Hausarbeit (Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen) WS20/21 - Prof. Dr. Christoph Klauck. Benotung: 11 Notenpunkte