First 42 School Exam
Projects from the 42 Cursus. 21 February 2022 - 13 March 2024.
#编辑器#42 Piscine Working Code
My fract-ol project for the 42 Cursus. A 42School graphical project to display the Mandelbrot Set, and the Julia Set, in its own graphical window. Built using 42 library, miniLibX. 105/100
My push_swap project for the 42 Cursus. An integer sorting program, using a limited set of instructions. 84/100
Created a simple shell using a limited amount of external functions.
so_long is a small 2D game created using C and the MiniLibX library. MiniLibX includes functions that render images to a pop-up window and takes player input.
Sick of losing a wordle competition, I decided to code up this helper function to help me guess the best possible word.
My solutions, in C, to the daily coding challenge provided by The Daily Byte. If you want to sign up to these challenges, do so at
All projects and files that were submitted from Jan-Feb 2022 for the 42 Adelaide Piscine.
My minitalk project for the 42 Cursus. A small client server communication program using UNIX signals. 115/100
My LIBFT project for the 42 Cursus. A C library containing general purpose functions for future projects. All bonuses complete. 125/100
My ft_printf project for the 42 Cursus. A recreation of the printf function found in the <stdio.h> C Library. Bonuses in progress. 100/100
My solutions to the 2023 Advent of Code. As I'm currently studying at 42Adelaide, I'm endeavouring to solve the challenges in C, as this is the language the common core is taught in.
This project is about programming a function that allows you to read content line by line. This is done by returning a line read from a file descriptor.
A fun little game of hangman written up in C. For those from 42, it is norm compliant.
Before the first 42 School Exam
A C programming answer to Dijkstra's dining philosophers problem using threads and mutexes.