基于Golang、WebSocket、xTermJS 的 Web SSH 远程终端
Webconsole for OCS Inventory NG
Rack-based interactive console (à la Rails console) for your web application's front-end
Spigot plugin to manage your server remotely using a web interface
🌐 A ROS WEB console to control remotely your robot. Based with robotwebtools.
Web based console for cassandra
Search Web Console Plugin for Apache Felix
Mirror of Apache Karaf WebConsole
an alternative to the felix webconsole (OSGi)
基于浏览器的Web Console, 模拟了VT100终端在浏览器种远程SSH登录linux设备。
一款借助云端mqtt中转, 远程ssh访问终端设备的工具
LGPL V3. Java Spring Boot microservice with RESTful webconsole and service endpoints that convert HTML to PDF, optionally styling with CSS and templating with JSON using Flying Saucer, PDF Box and Jac...