eslint plugin for vitest
Vitest 中文文档
An vitest environment with support for testing code that needs a Nuxt runtime environment
Vitest adapter for Neovim Neotest plugin
Minimalistic project template to jump start a Node.js back-end application in TypeScript. ESLint, Vitest and type definitions included.
翻译 - 简约项目模板,可在TypeScript中快速启动Node.js后端应用程序。包括TSLint,Jest和类型定义。
Debug your Vitest tests. Effortlessly. 🧪🖼⚡️
A GitHub Action to report vitest test coverage results
Tauri + Vue + Vite template w/ Vitest, Tailwind, and GH Actions configured.
This is a boilerplate build with Vite, React 18, TypeScript, Vitest, Testing Library, TailwindCSS 3, Eslint and Prettier.
A bare-bones vite + react + typescript starter template with eslint + prettier, vitest + @testing-library and react-router
use "vite + vue3 + ts + vitest + unocss" develop quickly, with format plugin "eslint、prettier+husky+commitlint"
Vitejs starter using React & Typescript. Styling done with TailwindCSS using JIT mode. Testing done using Vitest.
开箱即用的 vite + vue3 + vitest + ts 库模板,用来打包 vue3 的 .vue 组件与 composition-api
开箱即用的uni-app vue3 TS 工程化模板项目,支持小程序/H5/APP开发使用,包含pinia,sass/less,axios,vitest,eslint,Unocss
🐩 A boilerplate for HTML5, Vue, TypeScript, Vite, Vitest, and Render. Router | I18n | Use | Lodash | Yup | Zod | Date Fns | UnoCSS | Tailwind CSS | Flowbite | Iconify | Highcharts | Sass | SCSS...
翻译 - :poodle:HTML5,Vue,Material,Babel,Flow和PostCSS的样板。 Vuex |路由器|同步| Vuetify | I18n | PWA |工作箱SEO | RxJS |更漂亮| ESLint | StyleLint |爱彼迎|开玩笑木偶|测试单位端到端CRUD | REST | GraphQL |无服务器| Firebase |托管|功能|模块化|阿波罗| Webpack |入门套件
🐬 一个轻量级、开箱即用、快速开发 Vue3 (setup) 全家桶 + Vite5 + i18n 路由级国际化 + Element-Plus + UnoCSS + TypeScript + Vuex + Unplugin + ESLint (v9) + Vitest + Scss + StyleLint + Husky + lint-staged 中小型 B 端中后台管理系统的现代开发基础模...
🌏 基于 Vue3 + Vite 5 + Pinia 2 + TypeScript + Element-Plus + Vue Router 4 + UnoCSS + Unplugin + ESLint(v9) + Vitest 的原型 Web 端模板框架, 支持路由切换国际化语言, 自动导入 🚀🚀🚀 适合快速开发 B 端模块化产品的中小型后台管理系统,基于 vue-i18n-next �...