Spark Streaming+Flume+Kafka+HBase+Hadoop+Zookeeper实现实时日志分析统计;SpringBoot+Echarts实现数据可视化展示
Spark, Spark Streaming and Spark SQL unit testing strategies
Stream Data Mining Library for Spark Streaming
The Internals of Spark Structured Streaming
A spark sbt blueprint to build your own spark apps off of (for cloud native runtime, see the kube/spark examples)
RabbitMQ Spark Streaming receiver
Spark Streaming HBase Example
Self-contained examples of Apache Spark streaming integrated with Apache Kafka.
Used Spark core python, Spark sql, Spark MLlib, Spark Streaming
Notes about Spark Streaming in Apache Spark
Getting started with Spark, Spark Streaming, Spark SQL, DataFrame
Getting started with Spark, Spark streaming, Spark SQL and DataFrame.
Spark Structured Streaming / Kafka / Cassandra / Elastic
Visualize streaming machine learning in Spark
Spark 学习之路,包含 Spark Core,Spark SQL,Spark Streaming,Spark mllib 学习笔记
学习Spark的代码,关于Spark Core、Spark SQL、Spark Streaming、Spark MLLib
Apache Spark 3 - Structured Streaming Course Material
Kafka, Spark Streaming, Kudu integration examples
Spark Streaming,Kafka and HBase code accompanying the blog 'Offset Management For Apache Kafka With Apache Spark Streaming'
Simple examle for Spark Streaming over Kafka topic
Structured Streaming Machine Learning example with Spark 2.0