Zocial: CSS login and social buttons
翻译 - Zocial:CSS登录和社交按钮
👫 Social Sign-In Buttons for Bootstrap
翻译 - :couple:引导程序的社交登录按钮
↪️ Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons
翻译 - :arrow_right_hook:响应式社交分享按钮
Social media share buttons and share counts for React
Social media button styles for Twitter Bootstrap
翻译 - Twitter Bootstrap的社交媒体按钮样式
CSS3 Social Sign-in Buttons with icons. Small and large sizes.
翻译 - 带图标的CSS3社交登录按钮。大大小小。
Beautiful social “like” buttons with counters for jQuery.
翻译 - 漂亮的社交“喜欢”按钮,带有jQuery计数器。
A library for easily implementing social login/share buttons
🔛 🔖 Create your own social share buttons. No jquery.
Easy Social Buttons
The social sharing buttons that aren’t shabby
Quickly generate social sharing buttons with a tiny performance footprint
Add social sharing links and buttons without the bloat.
翻译 - 添加社交共享链接和按钮而不会the肿。
📯 Lightweight, stylish and ethical share buttons for popular social networks
翻译 - 📯轻巧,时尚且符合道德规范的共享按钮,适用于流行的社交网络
Host your own social counters servers while pulling live data from Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus
Library of decent and good looking CSS/JavaScript social sharing icons, buttons and popups
翻译 - 美观的CSS / JavaScript社交共享图标,按钮和弹出窗口库
Unofficial github:buttons
A CSS button library built using Sass and Compass
翻译 - 使用Sass和Compass构建的CSS按钮库
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#sherlock 是一个社工查询工具,能从上百个社交网站中检索指定 username 的账号是否存在
Buttons with built-in loading indicators.
翻译 - 带有内置加载指示器的按钮。