Micrometer 为Java 平台上的性能数据收集提供了一个通用的API,它的作用和SLF4J类似,只不过它关注的不是Logging(日志),而是application metrics(应用指标)
Convenient and performant logging library for Scala wrapping SLF4J.
Tomcat, SLF4J and Logback integration Releases
SLF4J binding for Clojure's Timbre
Implementation of SLF4J which allows easy access to logging events in tests
The OSGi Logging framework implementation. Supports SLF4J,LOG4J,JCL etc.
Logger factory with SLF4J message formatting, and support for custom logger extensions.
A tool to monitor Kafka availability and latency and report these metrics to SQL Server, JMX, CSV, SLF4J endpoints.
log4jdbc is a Java JDBC driver that can log SQL and/or JDBC calls (and optionally SQL timing information) for other JDBC drivers using the Simple Logging Facade For Java (SLF4J) logging system.
Useful logger for Android based on standard android.util.Log class. Simple lightweight (< 50 Kb) implementation of SLF4J API. Easy but powerful configuration via properties file and some additional he...
User management scaffolding, integration: User password login, mobile login, one-click login, OAuth2 login(Based on JustAuth), jwt, validate code(image, sms, sliderCode), RBAC, Support multi-tenancy, ...
Yet another distributed coordination service for distributed applications based on Raft inspired by consul, only depend on slf4j and rocksdb-jni. The project is currently in an early stage of developm...
Java领域存在多种日志框架,目前常用的日志框架包括Log4j,Log4j 2,Commons Logging,Slf4j,Logback,Jul。将全面的梳理 java日志相关的知识。从日志的概念和日志框架介绍日志发展历程。从搭建jdk自带JUL日志实现框架,学会对应用的日志记录和配置文件编写,掌握JUL执行原理。