A clean desktop application template that combines Tauri 2 with Svelte 5 + Shadcn-svelte, including automated CI/CD pipelines for Windows, Linux, and Mac builds.
#大语言模型#just like spatz... but for svelte5, with shadcn-svelte, svelte-animations, svelte-superforms, stripe payments, subscriptions, content-filtering, and more.
Shadcn Svelte VSCode extension to help you install and use components directly without leaving your IDE ✨.
A minimal starter template using Svelte 5, Supabase, shadcn-svelte, GitHub auth, iconify, and Zod.
The rewrite of the slick-portfolio-svelte using sveltekit (svelte 5) and shadcn-svelte
#编辑器#Highly extensible text editor for svelte made with TipTap and ShadCN UI
No dependecy port of Shadcn for Svelte
Svelte Select. A select component for Svelte
Svelte Magic UI, Svelte Aceternity UI, Svelte Components build using Tailwind CSS & Framer Motion
10000+ Themes for shadcn/ui.
Svelte 是一种全新的构建用户界面的方法。传统框架如 React 和 Vue 在浏览器中需要做大量的工作,而 Svelte 将这些工作放到构建应用程序的编译阶段来处理。与使用虚拟(virtual)DOM 差异对比不同。Svelte 编写的代码在应用程序的状态更改时就能像做外科手术一样更新 DOM。
Svelte Material UI Components
翻译 - 苗条的材质UI组件
Svelte ❤️ Three
#前端开发#[deprecated for svelte-society/sveltesociety.dev] useful resources for Svelte v3+
A set of components created with Radix-Vue. Inspired by shadcn/ui & shadcn-vue.
A zoomable shadcn/rechart chart.
Internationalization library for Svelte
Using shadcn-ui components in streamlit