Soapy SDR plugin for SDRPlay APIv3
Out-of-tree GNU Radio module for SDRplay RSP devices - SDRplay API V3.X
Soapy SDR plugin for SDRPlay
AIS receiver for RTL SDR dongles, Airspy R2, Airspy Mini, Airspy HF+, HackRF, SDRplay and SoapySDR
SDRPlay Linux bindings
ExtIO plugins for SDRplay RSPs
shortwave receiver for use with sdrplay, hackrf, dabsticks and pmsdr
Obtain power spectrum from SoapySDR devices (RTL-SDR, Airspy, SDRplay, HackRF, bladeRF, USRP, LimeSDR, etc.)
SDRPlay & msiSDR 硬件电路
Qt-DAB, a general software DAB (DAB+) decoder with a (slight) focus on showing the signal
Remote control of 2 Software Design Radio. Receiver and transmitter. Based on Adalm-Pluto SDR or RTL-SDR or Hack RF SDR or SDRplay and signal processing using GNU Radio on Raspberry PI. GUI on a web b...