Homemade Pwnbox 🚀 / Rogue AP 🛰️ based on Raspberry Pi — WiFi Hacking Cheatsheets + MindMap 💡
翻译 - 自制Pwnbox:火箭:/ Rogue AP:卫星:基于Raspberry Pi — WiFi Hacking Cheatsheets + MindMap:bulb:
Instructions on how to create your very own Pwnbox, originally created by HTB
Docker container with tools for binary reverse engineering and exploitation.
A Kali-based docker container pre-built with tools, ZSH, and SSH.
ohmyzsh theme to match HTB PwnBox shell
Dockerized setup for quick pwning
Bash Script to automate the process of setting up a new Kali Linux virtual machine to look a like HTB PwnBox