IntelliJ Portuguese-Brazil Dictionary
:portugal: List of technology companies in Portugal.
🇧🇷 React documentation website in Portuguese (Brazil)
Portuguese pre-trained BERT models
TeachYourselfCS Portuguese Translation
A portuguese community of IPTV channels.
Brazilian Portuguese translation of RimWorld.
Brazilian Portuguese Progit2
Guia Foca Linux - Linux Guide in Portuguese
Tree of Savior Brazilian Portuguese Translation OTC
Portuguese transformer pipeline (neuralmind/bert-base-portuguese-cased). Components: transformer, morphologizer, parser, ner, attribute_ruler, lemmatizer (trainable_lemmatizer).
Mostly adequate guide to FP (in javascript, translated in portuguese)
Finetuning Stanford Alpaca (LLaMA) with Brazilian Portuguese data
LIWC 2015 lexicon in Brazilian Portuguese
Portuguese Word Embeddings: Evaluating on Word Analogies and Natural Language Tasks
Rails Girls Guides - Brazilian Portuguese / Tutoriais Rails Girls - Português Brasileiro
Translation of the book A Byte of Python to brazilian portuguese
A collections of public and free annotated datasets of relationships between entities/nominals (Portuguese and English)
Share the playlists with your friends. (the name is in portuguese)
An Evaluation of the Brazilian Portuguese LIWC dictionary for Sentiment Analysis