A starter template for using PhaserJS and React
2D Skeletal Animation WebGL Runtimes for Creature ( PixiJS, PhaserJS, ThreeJS, BabylonJS, Cocos Creator )
A Phaser 3 project template that uses Webpack 5 for bundling
🐍 Like tron but curva. PhaserJS.
Gradius JS - simple 2D space game using PhaserJS
Flappy Bird adaptation on Wechat Minigame using PhaserJS + English Wechat Minigames Tutorial
Small PhaserJS based Metroidvania-esque project.
Some phaser.js exercises. 尝试的几个phaser.js练习,并移植到微信小游戏。
Rapid Game Development with PhaserJS and Node for Modern Browsers
Contains hundreds of source code examples and related media for the Phaser HTML5 Game Framework.
A quick-start project template that uses Phaser 3, TypeScript and Rollup for bundling