SparkFun's Public Eagle PCB Footprints
experimental procedural PCB layout program
翻译 - 实验程序PCB布局程序
Generates a KiCAD schematic and PCB layout using a Keyboard Layout Editor json file as input
LAYOUT FILES: KiCad footprints useful for PCB panelization (mouse-bites...).
Cordillera - Alice layout keyboard PCB
How to design a standard PCB layout using Altium Designer
Schematics, PCB layout, and firmware for an RFID temperature sensor
Tutorial on making keyboard PCB layouts in KiCAD
KiCAD to Boardview exporter reads KiCAD PCB layout files and writes ASCII Boardview files
SphinxEVK hardware design files, including PDF schematics and AltiumDesigner PCB layout.
PCB layout of an Ultranet to XMOS Startkit daughter card
PCB layout and schematics for Mac ROM SIMM and programmer
a series of Schematic & PCB Layout Cases base on KiCad 6.0 .
Modified version of PCB-gCode. An Eagle PCB Layout Tool PlugIn that can create beautiful tool paths directly in eagle.
Schematic, PCB layout, mechanical CAD, and firmware to create a replica of the DSKY with electroluminescent display
翻译 - 原理图,PCB布局,机械CAD和固件,以创建具有电致发光显示器的DSKY副本
PCB and PCB related bits
Altium Designer 13 Board layout template containing an empty Mini PCI Express PCB. foot print library and schematic symbol.
A multi window layout manager for webapps
Advanced PCB auto-router
#计算机科学#A Unified Toolkit for Deep Learning Based Document Image Analysis
翻译 - 用于文档布局理解的Python库
Eagle PCB Parts Libraries