Page title management for Ember.js Apps
Vue.js html/page title manager
Simple, internationalized and DRY page titles and headings for Rails.
You can add an icon next to tab title. Update from
An MkDocs plugin that simplifies configuring page titles and their order
Dynamic page title & meta tags utility for Angular (w/server-side rendering)
翻译 - Angular的动态页面标题和元标签实用程序(带有/服务器端渲染)
Infinite paging controller, scrolling through contents and title bar scrolls with a delay
Swipe between pages with an interactive title navigation control. Configure horizontal or vertical chains for unlimited pages amount.
✨ Flashing Page Title Notification npm package
Extract <title> tag from HTML page
xss probe to steal page info: browser, ua, lang, referer, location, toplocation, cookie, domain, title, screen, flash, etc.
Custom electon title bar inpire on VS Code title bar
Working Title FS Packages
翻译 - 工作标题FS软件包
A service for capitalizing your title properly
Right. Like the title.
I18n your <title>s
Preloads any YouTube links and appends the title of the video to the link in the referring page.
Next-gen, highly customizable content editor for the browser - based on React and written in TypeScript. WYSIWYG on steroids.
翻译 - 下一代,高度可定制的浏览器内容编辑器-基于React和Redux,并以TypeScript编写。所见即所得的类固醇。
Open source title manager for the 3DS.
翻译 - 3DS的开源标题管理器。
Title Key Database for WiiU
keras example of seq2seq, auto title
Get the artist and title from a string, eg. a YouTube video title.
A one-page opcache status page
翻译 - 一页操作缓存状态页