motor controller firmware
Brushless DC Motor controller from Benjamin Vedder
3-phase motor controller with integrated position sensor
A dual channel brushless motor controller based on the RP2040 microcontroller, designed in Kicad.
This repository contains MATLAB and Simulink files used in the "How to design motor controllers using Simscape Electrical" videos.
Closed Loop Motor Controller
Low-Cost Motor Controller based on the VESC 6
基于STM32有感直流无刷电机驱动控制程序,集成CANopen通讯电机控制子集协议 和 MONDBUS 协议。
Simple BLDC motor controller
Controller that drives BLDC motor as servo
Odrive motor controller C++ driver for ROS
Circular type VESC firmware based Motor Controller
Sensorless brushless motor controller using PIC18F1230 (XC8)
FPGA PWM generator and motor controller modules
BLDC Motor Controller based on the VESC 4.12 hardware
ESP8266-12E NodeMCU and L298N Dual Motor Controller
Commanding Maxon EPOS 4 Motor Controller(s) from MATLAB
DC Motor Tuning Using Fuzzy Logic And PID Controller
A file and video-overlay logger for my BLDC motor controller
Motor controller code for use on TI LaunchXL-F280049C board.