A PyTorch implementation of MobileNet V2 architecture and pretrained model.
yolov3 with mobilenet v2 and ASFF
Caffe Implementation of Google's MobileNets (v1 and v2)
cascaded convolutional neural network for facial point detection
A Tensorflow implementation of MobileNet V2
MobileNet-v2 experimental network description for caffe
Face Alignment by Mobilenetv2
Darknet for MobileNet v2
A Complete and Simple Implementation of MobileNet-V2 in PyTorch
caffe based mobilenet v2 deploy
Implementation of MobileNet V1, V2, V3
convert tensorflow mobilenet-v2 checkpoint to caffemodel
This is the PyTorch implement of MobileNet V2
detectron2 backbone: resnet18, efficientnet, hrnet, mobilenet v2, resnest, bifpn
Codes to implement MobileNet V2 in a FPGA
Include mobilenet series (v1,v2,v3...) and yolo series (yolov3,yolov4,...)
Edge TPU Accelerator / Multi-TPU + MobileNet-SSD v2 + Python + Async + LattePandaAlpha/RaspberryPi3/LaptopPC
杭州生活垃圾分类程序 PyTorch+MobileNet V2
Reproduction of MobileNetV2 using MXNet
Try out different pruning-approaches on lightweight Backbones.
Model shared. Top1:71.806/Top5:90.410
The largest collection of PyTorch image encoders / backbones. Including train, eval, inference, export scripts, and pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, NFNet, Vision Transformer (ViT)...
翻译 - PyTorch图像模型,脚本,预训练权重-(SE)ResNet / ResNeXT,DPN,EfficientNet,MixNet,MobileNet-V3 / V2,MNASNet,单路径NAS,FBNet等