JavaWeb MemoryShell Inject/Scan/Killer/Protect Research & Exploring
FilterBased/ServletBased in memory shell for Tomcat and some other middlewares
内存马Demo合集 memshell demo for java / php / python
基于Golang实现的Shellcode内存加载器,共实现3中内存加载shellcode方式,UUID加载,MAC加载和IPv4加载,目前能过主流杀软(包括Windows Defender)
JavaWeb 内存马开聚会 🎉
File edition helpers working on top of mem-fs (https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs)
The next version of bwa-mem
翻译 - 下一个版本的bwa-mem(WIP;目前不建议用于生产环境)
get_module, read/write mem, mouse emulation
Python bindings to bwa mem
🔥 Stupid Simple CPU/MEM "Profiler" for your JS code.
A /proc/mem IDA loader to snapshot a running process
Show CPU/GPU/MEM temperature on Touch Bar with BetterTouchTool!
DDR2 mem controller for Digilent Genesys Board
fish shell 是一个用户体验友好的macOS, Linux Shell
A memory allocator for Go.
翻译 - Go的内存分配器。
Mobile Shell
翻译 - 手机壳
A modern desktop interface for Linux. Improve your user experience and get rid of the anarchy of traditional desktop workflows. Designed to simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate window...
翻译 - 遵循“材料设计”准则的Gnome的新外壳。提出高效且简单的自定义鼠标/键盘工作流程,以提高日常工作效率和舒适度
🐚 Use your terminal shell to do awesome things.