#UI框架#模块化可自定义的 Web前端 材料设计(Meterial Design)UI 组件
Material Design Web Components
翻译 - 物料设计Web组件
Material Design 3(Material You) UI components using Web Components.
Material Components for React (MDC React)
Material web components for Vue.js
A React wrapper for Material Design (Web) Components
Codelabs for Material Components for Web (MDC Web)
Angular wrapper for Material Design (Web) Components
翻译 - Angular的材质Web组件
preact wrapper for "Material Components for the web"
翻译 - “用于网络的材料组件”的预先包装
Catalog of Material Components for the web (MDC Web)
Blazor components implementing Google's Material components for web - https://material.io/components/web
Documentation and policies for Material Components (all platforms)
#安卓#模块化可自定义的Android 材料设计(Meterial Design)UI 组件
#IOS#[In maintenance mode] Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for iOS
Vue wrapper arround Material Components for the Web
Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Flutter
Material Design implemented in Web Components (Custom Elements v1)
Svelte Material UI Components
翻译 - 苗条的材质UI组件
Companion example apps and code for MDC-Android.
翻译 - MDC-Android的随附示例应用程序和代码。