A pandoc LaTeX template to convert markdown files to PDF or LaTeX.
翻译 - Pandoc LaTeX模板,可将降价文件转换为PDF或LaTeX。
A modern Neovim configuration with full battery for Python, Lua, C++, Markdown, LaTeX, and more...
Boilerplate for writing a paper with Markdown/Latex and Pandoc
Extension to python-markdown to support LaTeX (rather than html) output
Generates pretty HTML, LaTeX, markdown, with biodata feeded as input in JSON
翻译 - 生成漂亮的HTML,LaTeX,降价,并将生物数据作为JSON输入输入
Markdown/LaTeX editable pages
This Markdown extension adds inline LaTeX support without the need for external images.
Enable rendering Mathpix Markdown with latex and chemistry support.
A selection of printable, one-page cheatsheets, generated from Markdown using Pandoc & LaTeX
翻译 - 使用Pandoc和LaTeX从Markdown生成的一系列可打印的一页备忘单
iOS Text View (UIView) that Properly Displays LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, and YouTube/Vimeo Links
Markdown rendering + Latex extras (equations, tables, ...), with conversion features, for the scientific community
Writing is a lightweight distraction-free text editor, in the browser (Markdown and LaTeX supported).
Wagtail blog based on Tailwind CSS, Stimulus, it supports Markdown, Latex and user comments.