C# LINQ Async extension methods library for async/await task.
A set of extension methods to complement the ones from System.Linq.Enumerable
Runtime parser for string expressions (formulas, method calls). Builds dynamic LINQ expression tree and compiles it to lambda delegate.
LINQ-Style PowerShell Methods
Linq methods for JavaScript/TypeScript
LINQ to JavaScript makes you able to filter, project, sort, group and join sequence of elements using the most popular LINQ methods known for .NET Developers like where, select, orderBy, groupBy, inne...
🌀LINQ for TypeScript
翻译 - 🌀LINQfor TypeScript
A module that adds LINQ-like extension methods and cmdlets to PowerShell.
LINQ to GameObject - Traverse GameObject Hierarchy by LINQ
Linq to database provider.
翻译 - Linq到数据库提供程序。
linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript
.NET LINQ capabilities in Go
LINQ to TypeScript
Tx (LINQ to Events)
C# library to serialize LINQ expressions
Macros in Python: quasiquotes, case classes, LINQ and more!
Visual FoxPro LINQ Provider
Example of creating dynamic LINQ expressions
A truly generic and dynamic linq query builder to compliment jQuery QueryBuilder and other dynamic linq query generation needs
`LINQ to Object` inspired DSL for PHP
LINQ extensions to help build IQueryAble Expressions
翻译 - LINQ扩展可帮助构建真正的RESTFul API
C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Swift
LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (C# Twitter Library)