A simple implementation of the Levenberg Marquardt algorithm.
Tensorflow implementation of Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm
Curve fitting method in JavaScript
Provides abstractions to run Levenberg-Marquardt optimization
Code for tutorial on how to use Eigen's LM optimization
Python implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
Several ROS Packages for nonlinear optimization including levenberg-marquardt, sparse levenberg-marquardt and bundle adjustment.
Levenberg-Marquardt C++ implementation with Eigen3.
An implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
Levenberg-Marquardt library in NDK for Android Application
A lightweight Java implementation of Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
Levenberg Marquardt curve-fitting: minimize sum of weighted squared residuals
simple computation of trilateration using matlab's Levenberg Marquardt curve-fitting algorithm.
梯度下降与Levenberg-Marquardt算法的比较。Comparison of gradient descent and Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. Сравнение алгоритма градиентного спуска и алгоритма Левенберга-Марквардта.