Draw a leader line in your web page.
A more sophisticated Bitcoin-powered crowdfunder.
List of books, blogs, newsletters and people!
Leaderboards backed by Redis in Ruby
SpeechIO Leaderboard: a large, robust, comprehensive, benchmarking platform for Automatic Speech Recognition.
CARLA Autonomous Driving leaderboard
#大语言模型#Leaderboard Comparing LLM Performance at Producing Hallucinations when Summarizing Short Documents
Projects referred to by my blog, Dev Leader
<leader> key for evil
Node.js unicast discovery, leader-citizen elections and pub/sub.
Raft leader election process in Hyperledger Fabric.
NGSIM I-80 dataset Leader - Follower Vehicle Trajectory Pairs
基于Spring boot的微服务架构电商系统(学习使用)
The Squad Leader template demonstrates best practices for building handheld military applications with ArcGIS.
A distributed SQL database with replication, fault-tolerance, tunable consistency and leader election.
🇨🇭 Swiss Leader Index SLI charts with the CHF/USD price movements of the top stocks 💹
Distributed cache with client-side consistent hashing, distributed leader-elections, and dynamic node discovery. Supports both HTTP/gRPC interfaces secured with mTLS.
Dynamo-inspired distributed leader-less key-value database that has no unique features and no apparent reason to exist
web based Zeroc Ice management
It is an unciv mod for the Philippines feat. Andres Bonifacio, the leader of the Katipunan. I accept pull requests
前后堵分离的互联网应用框架,前端vue +后端Spring Boot,精心设计的全套框架,采用Docker微服务化打包,配套代码生成工具降低70%开发工作量
window.hjSiteSettings = {"forms":[],"record":true,"polls":[],"r":1.0,"record_targeting_rules":[],"deferred_page_contents":[{"targeting":[{"pattern":"http:\/\/www.ibm.com\/cloud-computing\/solutions\/c...
tcpdaemon是一个TCP通讯服务端平台/库,它封装了众多常见服务端进程/线程管理和TCP连接管理模型(Forking、Leader-Follow、IO-Multiplex、WindowsThreads Leader-Follow),使用者只需加入TCP通讯数据收发和应用逻辑代码就能快速构建出完整的TCP应用服务器。