The easiest way to bootstrap a self-hosted High Availability Kubernetes cluster. A fully automated HA k3s etcd install with kube-vip, MetalLB, and more. Build. Destroy. Repeat.
bootstrap K3s over SSH in < 60s 🚀
翻译 - 在SSH上用k3s引导Kubernetes <1分钟🚀
Personal server configuration with k3s
翻译 - 使用k3s的个人服务器配置
The easiest and fastest way to create and manage Kubernetes clusters in Hetzner Cloud using the lightweight distribution k3s by Rancher.
Install Kubernetes/K3s only, both Kubernetes/K3s and KubeSphere, and related cloud-native add-ons, it supports all-in-one, multi-node, and HA 🔥 ⎈ 🐳
翻译 - 只安装Kubernetes,Kubernetes和KubeSphere,以及相关的云原生插件,支持多合一、多节点、HA 🔥 ⎈ 🐳
Cluster API k3s
K3s cluster deployed with Ansible.
Ansible playbook to deploy k3s kubernetes cluster
Lightweight device management system for Kubernetes/k3s
Configure the ultimate home server with k3s and helm
Deploy an high available K3s cluster on Amazon AWS
Terraform module to manage a k3s cluster on given machines