Original Prusa i3 MK2 3D printer printed parts
Very resourcefriendly and feature-rich replacement for i3status, written in pure Rust
Convolutional neural network model for video classification trained on the Kinetics dataset.
Firmware for Original Prusa i3 3D printer by PrusaResearch
翻译 - PrusaResearch的原始Prusa i3 3D打印机固件
Official repository for community contributed blocklets
翻译 - 社区贡献区块的官方存储库
The hacker-friendly status_command for Sway and i3
翻译 - 用于基于文本的状态栏的提要生成器
i3 for Windows
The i3wm.org website
Prusa i3 Evolution
🎨 Theme collection manager for i3-wm
Collection of i3-gaps Dotfiles
I3 tiling window manager configuration
First rice for i3-gaps
An i3-wm gruvbox theme implementation