Join us to deliver insights, understanding, and solutions to address the housing crisis in the United States.
Bringing open data to affordable housing decision makers in Washington DC. A D3/Javascript based website to visualize data related to affordable housing in Washington DC. Data processing with Python.
San Francisco housing construction history and associated data
Clean data related to the housing crisis
⚠**DEPRECATED**⚠ JSON API of housing counselor data
ETL process for deidentified NYC Housing Court Filings data
Advanced housing system for QBCore.
Housing Single Page Application
Dalamud plugin for crowdsourced housing alerts and data aggregation in Final Fantasy XIV.
Code to generate the 3D city model of Singapore public housing (HDB) buildings from open data
Haight St Community Housing Page
FundaScaper scrapes data from Funda, the Dutch housing website. You can find listings from house-buying or rental market, and historical data. 🏡
A plugin for FFXIVQuickLauncher to help with manipulating housing items.
Easy PDK programmer for PADAUK microcontroller. EDA, schematic, gerber, bom, housing stl, firmware
A xivlauncher plugin to save/load positions of the housing furnitures.
This is a regression problem to predict california housing prices.
Data and code behind the articles and graphics at FiveThirtyEight