The MixedRealityToolkit is a collection of scripts and components intended to accelerate the development of mixed reality applications targeting Windows Mixed Reality.
翻译 - MixedRealityToolkit是脚本和组件的集合,旨在加速针对Windows Mixed Reality的混合现实应用程序的开发。
This repository is for the legacy Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) v2. For the latest version of the MRTK please visit
翻译 - 混合现实工具包(MRTK)提供了一组组件和功能来加速Unity中的跨平台MR应用程序开发。
Unity packages created from HoloToolkit Unity repository
Providing a template scene where the User can Rotate the object in all three axis; and scale. A Hololens [P3] project.
UDP networking library for Unity in combination with UWP and/or Hololens
Evergine.MRTK provides a set of components and features to accelerate cross-platform XR application development in Evergine.
A sample HoloLens app that uses spatial mapping to automatically place holograms within a room. This sample uses the HoloToolkit for Unity.
Unity Vive client for the HoloToolkit Sharing service.
Set of wrapper classes for the Microsoft HoloToolkit for Unity & HoloLens