Sample code and documentation for using the Microsoft HoloLens for Computer Vision research
Periodic Table of the Elements for HoloLens and Immersive headset
Sample code and documentation for using the Microsoft HoloLens 2 for Computer Vision research.
A Unity application for receiving and rendering point clouds on Hololens and other devices.
翻译 - 用于在Hololens和其他设备上接收和渲染点云的Unity应用程序。
#人脸识别#HoloLens With OpenCVforUnity Example (Support for Hololens1 and Hololens2)
Unity Video Chat SDK supports UnityEditor, Android,iOS,Windows,UWP(Hololens)
Marker tracking using the front-facing camera of HoloLens (both 1 and 2) and Unity, with a wrapper of ARToolKit built for UWP (Windows Universal Platform)
A Unity hololens app to detect faces and display their attributes
leap Motion support for Hololens Asset
Enable for UWP/Hololens
Unity scripts to send Kinect data to the Hololens
This is a repostiory for the Lunar Module example HoloLens App
Test HoloLens Unity app for WebRTC (uses WSAUnity plugin project)
OpenXR samples and preview headers for HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality developers familiar with Visual Studio
Demonstrates how to use the Vuplex 3D WebView asset with Hololens.
Holographic mapping powered by ArcGIS
Sample Unity projects to demo how to use OpenXR plugin in Unity for HoloLens 2 and Mixed Reality headsets
Microsoft HoloLens integration with Robotic Operating System (ROS), via Rosbridge, to simulate a holographic turtlesim_node environment.
A HoloLens application allowing collaborative viewing and manipulation of the 3D model of an ABB welding robot.