Portability Add-On for the HackRF Software-Defined Radio.
Custom firmware for the HackRF+PortaPack H1/H2/H4
kalibrate for hackrf
A ported version of Michael Ossmann's libhackrf library to use with Android 3.1+
Spectrum Analyzer for Android using the HackRF
SoapySDR HackRF module
📻 Control a HackRF device (e.g. Jawbreaker, HackRF One, or Rad1o) from Node.js
SDR# HackRF plugin
HDSDR ExtIO for HackRF
foobar2000 component with hackrf
Controlling RC cars with HackRF
DVB-T(2) for HackRF/rad1o
I/Q spectrum server for hackrf
Projects For the HackRF One
Running LTE BTS with HackRF One
HackRF One firmware customized for carnage
Personaly tested example/experiments with HackRF One
airprobe patch supports gnuradio 3.7 and hackrf