Angular 2+ Google Maps Components
翻译 - Angular 2+ Google Maps组件
Google Maps web components
Google map library for react that allows rendering components as markers 🎉
翻译 - Google React的地图库,允许将组件呈现为标记:tada:
Google Charts API web components
A set of React components implementing Google's Material Design specification with the power of CSS Modules
翻译 - 一组使用CSS模块的功能来实现Google的Material Design规范的React组件
React component for Google Maps Places Autocomplete
Google Analytics web components
React components and hooks for the Google Maps JavaScript API
Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅
翻译 - 组件年龄的视觉图元。使用ES6和CSS的最佳功能来轻松设计应用程序样式💅
The official Material Design components for AngularDart. Used at Google in production apps.
Wrap React components with this libary to load the Google Maps JavaScript API.
Angular data table complete implementation of google material design based on Angular Material components.
Angular 官方团队维护的公共组件和工具,包括基础组件和 Material 设计风格的 UI 组件。
Google Cloud CLI Docker Image - Docker Image containing the gcloud CLI and its bundled components.
#UI框架#模块化可自定义的 Web前端 材料设计(Meterial Design)UI 组件
#安卓#模块化可自定义的Android 材料设计(Meterial Design)UI 组件
Google Maps library that accepts markers as react components and works with React 18+.
Over 25 Stimulus controllers with built-in behavior, top-tier documentation, designed for easy extension, and ready for your styles to solve every day frontend problems.
Documentation and policies for Material Components (all platforms)
N3-components , Powerful Vue UI Library.
翻译 - N3组件,强大的Vue UI库。