Enatega is a fully realized and customizable food delivery application that can be used to set up your own order/delivery management system. For more information, visit the Enatega product page: 🚀🛒�...
The food ordering & delivery application designed based on the real-life scenario. Anyone can use this code on their own purpose. If you are interested please make your contribution to the code.
🍔 A practical and imaginary food delivery microservices, built with .Net 8, MassTransit, Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, Vertical Slice Architecture, Event-Driven Architecture, and the latest technologie...
A fully functional and white label food delivery solution. Capable of building your own food delivery application! Includes customer, rider and restaurant apps.
Food delivery website design
万岳同城外卖(food delivery) 系统开源版,前端uniapp+后台php搭建,系统包含商家端、配送端、用户端以及总管理后台、城市配送后台
This repository hosts the code for a food delivery app UI, built in flutter, with "Add to cart" and "Drag to delete" functionality.
ThePetronics Food Delivery System(PetroFDS)
A Food Delivery App in Flutter
#安卓#Open Source Food Delivery and local shopping Platform
翻译 - 开源食品交付和本地购物平台
Open Source food delivery and local shopping app !
Food Delivery App made by Flutter and Bloc
Flutter Food Delivery Application design and Animation - day 3
Build food delivery app with react native and sanity.io
Design OO food delivery app with C# & Design Patterns
E-Commerce demo project. Food delivery application project made with.
Online food ordering and delivery platform flutter iOS & Android Food Shop App with a Admin Web panel ,Working Clone application.
A food delivery app built with React Native, Pusher Channels, Chatkit, and Beams
An Uber Eats-style food delivery platform, running Medusa 2.0 and Next.js 14.
Flutter Food Delivery App | Shopping | E-commerce for iOS and Android Flutter Food Delivery App | E-commerce for iOS and Android | Shopping App With Backend & Restful Api