Context Broker and CEF building block for context data management, providing NGSI interfaces.
[ARCHIVED] Contents migrated to monorepo:
翻译 - Media Server负责媒体传输,处理,加载和记录
A connector in charge of persisting context data sources into other third-party databases and storage systems, creating a historical view of the context
OAuth 2.0-based authentication of users and devices, user profile management, Single Sign-On (SSO) and Identity Federation across multiple administration domains.
📘 FIWARE 101: An Introduction to the FIWARE Platform
Support for proxy functions within OAuth2-based authentication schemas. Also implements PEP functions within an XACML-based access control schema.
Ferramenta para realizar a instanciação dos componentes básicos do FIWARE: Orion Context Broker, STH-Comet e IoT Agent MQTT
IoTAgent development framework for C++
[ARCHIVED] Contents migrated to monorepo:
A component of the FIWARE ecosystem in charge of managing historical and aggregated time series context information
📘 FIWARE 104: Registering Context Providers
📕 FIWARE 401: IDM - Managing Users and Organizations
The Draco Generic Enabler is an alternative data persistence mechanism for managing the history of context. It is based on Apache NiFi and is a dataflow system based on the concepts of flow-based prog...
The FIWARE/TMForum Business API Ecosystem allows the monetization of different kind of assets (both digital and physical) during the whole service life cycle, from offering creation to its charging, a...