🚀starRTC,即时通讯(IM)系统,免费IM系统(含单聊,群聊,聊天室,文件传输),免费一对一视频聊天,VOIP,语音对讲(回音消除),直播连麦,视频直播,RTSP拉流,RTMP推流,webRTC服务端,在线教育,白板,小班课,在线会议,视频会议,视频监控,局域网直连(无需服务器),兼容webRTC, 支持webRTC加速,P2P高清传输,安卓、iOS、web互通,支持门禁对讲,可视对讲,电...
[ARCHIVED] Contents migrated to monorepo: https://github.com/Kurento/kurento
翻译 - Media Server负责媒体传输,处理,加载和记录
OpenVidu Platform main repository
翻译 - OpenVidu Platform主存储库
[ARCHIVED] Contents migrated to monorepo: https://github.com/Kurento/kurento
SpringBoot WebSocket & WebRTC Chatting
This is a tutorial for building a video conference application
[ARCHIVED] Contents migrated to monorepo: https://github.com/Kurento/kurento
2021 DevCamp 2기 - Discord Clone
WebRTC based screen sharing
Kurento Media Server – RPM packages for RHEL / CentOS 7
Multiparty-meeting (mediasoup) SIP gateway using Kurento
Laravel client for controlling your videocalls from your Openvidu server.
A typescript library for simplifying the use of Kurento in Node.js