A Material Design-inspired userChrome.css theme for Firefox
翻译 - 灵感来自Material Design的userChrome.css主题
A minimal, yet functional Firefox userChrome configuration.
翻译 - 最小但功能正常的Firefox userChrome配置。
A community maintained repository of userChrome.css tweaks for Firefox
翻译 - 社区维护的用于Firefox的userChrome.css调整库
Firefox Userchrome and sidebery style
**Stops working with FF v72.** Firefox Quantum-compatible custom javascript in browser context — no extension, userChromeJS replacement.
A collection site of Firefox userchrome themes, mostly from FirefoxCSS Reddit community.
A minimalist userChrome.css based on qutebrowser
Firefox userChrome CSS theme
A Firefox userChrome.css theme that aims to recreate the look and feel of Microsoft Edge.
A custom Firefox userChrome for mac OS.
userChrome.css to restore the classic Photon look on Firefox 91+
翻译 - userChrome.css 在 Firefox 91+ 上恢复经典的 Photon 外观
Firefox for iOS
翻译 - 适用于iOS的Firefox
WebDriver for Firefox
My Joplin App userstyle and userchrome theme style.
Firefox Profiler — Web app for Firefox performance analysis
A dark userstyle for Firefox inspired by moonlight-vscode-theme and github-moonlight
Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension
翻译 - Dark Reader Chrome和Firefox扩展
FoxyProxy for Firefox extension beginning with Firefox 57 (Quantum)
Bypass Paywalls for Firefox
翻译 - 绕过Firefox的Paywalls
user.js -- Firefox configuration hardening
Arc Firefox Theme
翻译 - Arc Firefox主题