#人脸识别#Pretrained Pytorch face detection (MTCNN) and facial recognition (InceptionResnet) models
翻译 - 预训练的Pytorch人脸检测(MTCNN)和识别(InceptionResnet)模型
Face recognition with deep neural networks.
Facenet implementation by Keras2
A face recognition demo performed by feeding images of faces recorded by a webcam into a trained FaceNet network to determine the identity of the face
using facenet algorithm
FaceNet implementation for dog identification
Demo about facenet in rknn
real time face recognition with YOLO and FaceNet
convert facenet and mtcnn models from tensorflow to tensorflow lite and coreml (使用 TFLite 将 FaceNet 和 MTCNN 移植到移动端)
Solve face verification, recognition and clustering problems: A TensorFlow backed FaceNet implementation for Node.js.
翻译 - 解决人脸验证,识别和聚类问题:TensorFlow支持的Node.js FaceNet实施。
Android application for Face Recognition using OpenCV and Mobile Facenet
人脸识别算法,结合facenet网络结构和center loss作为损失,基于tensorflow框架,含训练和测试代码,支持从头训练和摄像头测试
基于mtcnn/facenet/tensorflow 实现人脸识别登录系统
Voice Biometrics Authentication using GMM and Face Recognition Using Facenet and Tensorflow
PyTorch implementation of the paper "FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering"