#人脸识别#Expanded version of the Espressif ESP webcam
翻译 - 乐鑫ESP网络摄像头的扩展版本
Work in progress ESP32 port of https://github.com/jasoncoon/esp8266-fastled-webserver
Alternative ESP32 Webserver implementation for the ESP32 Arduino Core, supporting HTTPS and HTTP.
ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer
An ESP32 and SHT30 form a data logger that is accessed via a webserver and graphs data via google Charts
This Project is an ESP32 web server with the DHT11 or DHT22 sensor that displays temperature and humidity. The web server updates the readings automatically without the need to refresh the web page.
ESP32/ESP8266 webserver, WiFi manager and web editor Arduino library
Camera Webserver ESP32-CAM ESP32-WROVER-B AI-THINKER Board with LED control
An arduino library to create html string in the sketch for ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer.
This is simple yet complete WebServer library for AVR, AVR Dx, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21/SAMD51, nRF52, STM32, RP2040-based, etc. boards running Ethernet shields. The functions are similar ...
High performance non-blocking webserver
Async version of Jason Coon's esp8266-esp32 Fastled Webserver. AP and STA mode at the same time
Little Kitten Webserver
C++ Linux WebServer服务器
🌎 High Performance HTTP WebServer
Agoo webserver in C.