Decentralized Applications White Paper and Spec
#区块链#A Decentralized Operating System for ZK Applications
翻译 - 零知识应用的去中心化操作系统
Powers fast, private, decentralized applications
翻译 - 支持快速、私密、去中心化的应用程序
The blockchain for Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) and decentralized applications.
翻译 - 智能媒体令牌(SMT)和去中心化应用程序的区块链。
Framework for serverless Decentralized Applications using Ethereum, IPFS and other platforms
A Decentralized Ethereum Voting Application Tutorial
A secure WebAssembly VM catered for decentralized applications.
Monorepo for our developer tools and decentralized marketplace application
BTFS - The First Scalable Decentralized Storage System - A Foundational Platform for Decentralized Applications
ACA-Py is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
翻译 - Hyperledger Aries Cloud Agent Python (ACA-Py) 是构建在非移动环境中运行的去中心化身份应用程序和服务的基础。
⛓ Cleargraph is a GraphQL runtime for decentralized applications
翻译 - graph Cleargraph是用于分散式应用程序的GraphQL运行时
Encrypted peer-to-peer web application platform for decentralized, privacy-preserving applications
翻译 - 加密的点对点Web应用程序平台,用于分散,隐私保护的应用程序
Framework to easily implement decentralized peer-to-peer network applications in Python
Write once, run forever. Deploy robust, scalable, decentralized WebAssembly applications on Wavelet.
SAFE, a blockchain Project for issuing digital assests, developing decentralized applications.
翻译 - SAFE是一个用于发布数字资产,开发去中心化应用程序的区块链项目。
Decentralized VPN
翻译 - 分散VPN
Decentralized data storage and message relay for decentralized identity and apps.
Decentralized messenger
The Decentralized and Scaled Blockchain