#网络爬虫#Transpile curl commands into Python, JavaScript and 27 other languages
PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
翻译 - PHP Curl Class使发送HTTP请求和与Web API集成变得容易
The book documenting the curl project, the curl tool, libcurl and more. Simply put: everything curl.
C++ wrapper around libcURL
curl-impersonate 魔改了curl,用来模拟真实的浏览器请求。它能执行与真实浏览器的一样的TLS握手,使得服务器无法区分请求来自浏览器还是curl
It's like curl -v, with colours.
翻译 - 就像curl -v一样,带有颜色。
golang curl(libcurl) binding.
Reproducible curl binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows
curl to C# converter
Rolling-Curl Fork: A more efficient multi-curl library for PHP (non-blocking)
OAuth-enabled curl for the Twitter API
翻译 - Twitter API的启用OAuth的curl
Go implement CLI, cURL-like tool for humans
翻译 - 开始实施CLI,类似于cURL的人类工具