Cucumber steps to easily test REST-based XML and JSON APIs
Collection of RSpec/MiniTest matchers and Cucumber steps for testing email in a ruby app using ActionMailer or Pony
翻译 - RSpec / MiniTest匹配器和Cucumber步骤的集合,用于使用ActionMailer或Pony在ruby应用程序中测试电子邮件
Enables navigation between cucumber feature steps and glue code using cucumber-scala DSL.
Cucumber REST Steps
React cucumber steps
Cucumber steps (step definitions) written with TestCafe for end-to-end (e2e) tests
Cucumber steps (step definitions) written with Protractor for e2e tests
🥒 Quick start for testing with Cucumber.js
⚡️ Fast steps-defs based on features generation
Cucumber for JavaScript
Cucumber for Ruby. It's amazing!
翻译 - 红宝石黄瓜
Rails Generators for Cucumber with special support for Capybara and DatabaseCleaner
翻译 - 黄瓜的Rails Generators,对Capybara和DatabaseCleaner具有特殊支持
Cucumber testing framework for Rust. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies.
React Steps
翻译 - 反应步骤
HTML reports for Cucumber
Cucumber user documentation
翻译 - 黄瓜文件
[READ-ONLY] Gherkin for JavaScript - subtree of monorepo -- moved to
Eclipse plugin for Cucumber
[READ-ONLY] Gherkin for Java - subtree of monorepo -- moved to
Human friendly alternative to Regular Expressions
Android support for Cucumber-JVM
Automated Functional testing for Android using cucumber
翻译 - 基于黄瓜的Android自动化功能测试
Generate beautiful Cucumber HTML reports