SQL-like query language for csv
翻译 - CSV的类似SQL的查询语言
a CSV exporter for django querysets
Simple SQL parser meant for querying CSV files
A simple Go package for querying over JSON, YAML, XML, and CSV data.
翻译 - 一个简单的Go程序包,用于查询JSON / YAML / XML / CSV数据
Query your CSV files with SQL
CSV data manipulation made easy in PHP
翻译 - 在PHP中简化CSV数据操作
🌈Rainbow CSV - Vim plugin: Highlight columns in CSV and TSV files and run queries in SQL-like language
Run a query in psql and output the result as CSV.
React components to build CSV files on the fly basing on Array/literal object of data
A fast, programmer-friendly, free CSV library for Java
翻译 - 固定cpp-csv解析器
Use SQL to query Elasticsearch
翻译 - 使用SQL查询Elasticsearch
💊 A git query language
翻译 - git查询语言
Goodby CSV is a high memory efficient flexible and extendable open-source CSV import/export library for PHP 5.3. 1. Memory Management Free This library designed for memory unbreakable. It will not be...
翻译 - Goodby CSV是用于PHP 5.3的高内存效率的灵活可扩展开源CSV导入/导出库。 1.免费的内存管理此库专为牢不可破的内存而设计。它不会累积在内存的整行中。导入程序读取CSV文件并逐行执行回调函数。 2.多字节支持此库支持多字节输入/输出:例如SJIS-win,EUC-JP和UTF-8。 3.准备用于企业应用程序Goodby CSV已经过全面的单元测试。该库很稳定,可以在大型项目(如企业应用程序)中使用。
😃 TanStack Query(aka. react query) 에서 자주 사용되는 개념 정리
A GraphQL to SQL query execution layer for query planning and batch data fetching.
Query Server Search Engines
Parse and stringify URL query strings
翻译 - 解析和字符串化URL查询字符串