CSS Reference: a free visual guide to the most popular CSS properties
翻译 - CSS参考:有关最受欢迎的CSS属性的免费视觉指南
Use Custom Properties in CSS
CSS custom properties to help accelerate adaptive and consistent design.
翻译 - CSS 自定义属性有助于加速自适应和一致的设计。
CSS variables (Custom Properties) polyfill for IE11
CSS property name and value completions
A reference for the render impact of mutating CSS properties.
🎨 CSS properties sidebar for VS Code
翻译 - 🎨VS Code的CSS属性侧栏
Client-side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy and modern browsers
Pointless PHP class to convert image to CSS box-shadow property.
Change CSS theme with toggle, buttons or select using CSS custom properties and localStorage
A fast click based on the touch-action css property
Generate custom css filter property to achieve any target color 🎨
Convert path to relative to make it flexible in CSS property clip-path
Polyfill (mostly IE) for CSS object-fit property to fill-in/fit-in images into containers.
翻译 - 用于CSS对象适合属性的Polyfill(主要是IE),用于将图像填充/填充到容器中。
Vue.js and Property Decorator
翻译 - Vue.js和Property Decorator
Property decorators for Nuxt (base on vue-property-decorator)
Decorator-based property validation for classes.
翻译 - 使用TypeScript装饰器使验证变得容易。
Property-based testing for Scala
Better Codable through Property Wrappers
#动画#One property, two values, endless possiblities
翻译 - 一种属性,两种价值,无限的可能性
Property-based testing, JUnit-style
Hypothesis-like property testing for Rust
Property based testing for Java 8
Property mapping for Objective-C iOS apps.
Automated property based testing for Rust (with shrinking).
☀️ Create @property with shortcut
The PropertyAccess component provides function to read and write from/to an object or array using a simple string notation.
翻译 - PropertyAccess组件提供使用简单的字符串表示法从对象或数组读取和写入对象或数组的功能。