Package conda environments for redistribution
An example Binder repository that contains an environment.yml file
A conda environment and docker container to support using earth and environmental data in Python.
Run Rstudio Server in a conda environment
Package for managing conda environment-based kernels inside of Jupyter
Automatically activate a conda environment when entering a folder with an environment.yml file
Conda environment and package management extension from within Jupyter
Provides a unified interface to dealing with Conda environments.
conda environment setup in Linux / macOS for InSAR data processing
A system-level, binary package and environment manager running on all major operating systems and platforms.
翻译 - 与操作系统无关的系统级二进制程序包管理器和生态系统
A conda-forge distribution.
A conda-smithy repository for conda-forge-pinning.
A place to submit conda recipes before they become fully fledged conda-forge feedstocks
翻译 - 在其成为成熟的conda-forge原料之前提交conda食谱的地方
Conda recipes for the bioconda channel.
翻译 - bioconda频道的Conda食谱。
The conda-forge website.
Conda package download data
build and test recipes for conda
conda recipes for genomic data