Perl in Classical Chinese in Perl
文言文編程語言 A programming language for the ancient Chinese.
#自然语言处理#A modern IDE for writing classical Chinese poetry 格律诗编辑程序
SikuBERT:四库全书的预训练语言模型(四库BERT) Pre-training Model of Siku Quanshu
BERT-CCPoem is an BERT-based pre-trained model particularly for Chinese classical poetry
[ARCHIVED] A resourcepack that adds Classical Chinese to Minecraft.
Classical equations and diagrams in machine learning
翻译 - 机器学习中的经典方程式和图表
GuwenModels: 古文自然语言处理模型合集, 收录互联网上的古文相关模型及资源. A collection of Classical Chinese natural language processing models, including Classical Chinese related models and resources on the Internet.
An open-source Python framework for hybrid quantum-classical machine learning.
翻译 - TensorFlow中的混合量子经典机器学习
📝Awesome and classical image retrieval papers
🐍 Classical Planning in Python
A recurrent neural network designed to generate classical music.
翻译 - 设计用于生成古典音乐的递归神经网络。
The world's smallest and fastest classical JavaScript inheritance pattern.
Classical Aerodynamics of potential flow using Python and Jupyter Notebooks
Classical RecSys algorithms implemented by using TensorFlow Estimators