Terraform On AWS for EC2, VPC, ASG, ALB, CLB, NLB, CloudWatch, SNS, S3, CodePipeline, ACM, Route53
Terraform module to create AWS EC2 instance(s) resources 🇺🇦
Manage AWS EC2 SSH access with IAM
AWS EC2 setup files for Startup Engineering MOOC.
Chef knife plug-in for AWS EC2
Terraform module for provisioning a general purpose EC2 host
20 Must know EC2 things and 10 must do EC2 labs for beginners. Full course available on youtube
On-demand self-hosted AWS EC2 runner for GitHub Actions
Terraform MongoDB provisioner using AWS EC2
Generate SSH config files from AWS EC2 inventory
Find free IP address blocks in AWS EC2.
Terraform module for AWS GitLab runners on ec2 (spot) instances
Meteor install script for AWS EC2 Ubuntu Server 12.10+
Recommendation System, Collaborative Filtering, Spark, Hive, Flask, Web Crawler, AWS EC2, AWS RDS
Official repository of the AWS EC2 FPGA Hardware and Software Development Kit
Automatically assign Elastic IPs to AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Group instances
tools for managing AWS resources including EC2, EBS, RDS, IAM, CloudFormation and Route53.
AWS Resources(EC2, RDS, ELB) monitoring using Scouter Pluse
Amazon's light-weight library for chaos engineering on AWS. It can be used for EC2 and ECS (with EC2 launch type).
Deep Learning Summer School + Tensorflow + OpenCV cascade training + YOLO + COCO + CycleGAN + AWS EC2 Setup + AWS IoT Project + AWS SageMaker + AWS API Gateway + Raspberry Pi3 Ubuntu Core