Windows Precision Touchpad Driver Implementation for Apple MacBook / Magic Trackpad
翻译 - 适用于Apple MacBook / Magic Trackpad的Windows Precision触摸板驱动程序实现
Apple MacBook Pro TouchBar (NSTouchBar) Cheatsheet and Swift examples
Control and limit battery charging on Apple Silicon MacBooks.
Get the Apple ID and other useful information from a locked MacBook (Recovery mode)
Solve the Apple Macbook "oversized" trackpad problem.
Sync macbook screen brightness to non-Apple external display.
Checks Apple Store inventory for in-store pickup availability for the 2021 MacBook Pro
翻译 - 检查 Apple Store 库存以了解 2021 年 MacBook Pro 的店内提货可用性
Conveniently build and install OBS from source on your ultra-fast Apple M1 MacBook or Mac
Allows to swap the Fn key and left Control key and other tweaks on Macbook Pro and Apple keyboards in GNU/Linux
Recreation of the soap bubble screen saver from apple's promotional videos for the new MacBook 12"
Configure Your Macbook For Blackhat
Pretend you have the latest MacBook Pro!
Stupid nyancat animation on your +$2k MacBook Pro's Touchbar
State of Linux on the MacBook Pro 2016 & 2017
翻译 - MacBook Pro 2016和2017上的Linux状态
MacBook 自用软件破解(macOS Intel)
💰 Cryptocurrency prices on MacBook Touch Bar
Macbook | Clock, right on the touch bar
Turn a MacBook into a Touchscreen with $1 of Hardware
翻译 - 使用1美元的硬件将MacBook变成触摸屏
Java编译速度对比测试: M1 MacBook Air vs Intel Core i9 MacBook Pro
Pac-Man for the MacBook Pro Touch Bar
Atom package to use MacBook Touchbar
#编程语言#Swift 是由苹果公司开源的编程语言,用于编写iOS和macOS应用。Swift的设计以安全为出发点,结合了C和Objective-C的优点并且不受C兼容性的限制。