Edit in place for AngularJS
翻译 - 就地编辑AngularJS
Angular Basics ( v14.x )
An angular (ver >= 2.x) directive for ECharts (ver >= 3.x)
Implementation of Angular 1.x $cookies service to Angular 2
Angular 2 decorators and utils for Angular 1.x
翻译 - Angular 1.x的Angular 2装饰器和实用程序
A High-Quality Guide for Testing Angular 1.x
Angular 4.x TodoMVC implementation
Sample Angular (2.x and 4.x) app: CRUD example + routing
Angular 常见问题汇总(2.x ~ 4.x)
The default solution for those that want to write Angular 2.x style code in Angular 1.x
翻译 - 想要在Angular 1.x中编写Angular 2.x样式代码的用户的默认解决方案
Seed project for developing angular 1.x applications in preparation for migrating on to Angular 2.0
翻译 - 种子项目,用于开发Angular 1.x应用程序以准备迁移到Angular 2.0
A drop in app module for working on Angular components in isolation (Angular version 2.x and above).
Spring Boot 2.x Angular 9 Multi-module Maven Starter Project
The starter project for the "Ultimate Angular 1.x Fundamentals" course
Angular, NgRx, Angular CLI & Angular Material Starter Project
翻译 - Angular,NgRx,Angular CLI和Angular Material Starter项目
Angular directive (for version >= 2.x ) that makes the DOM element draggable and resizable
翻译 - 使DOM元素可拖动和可调整大小的Angular指令(对于版本> = 2.x)
Angular CLI 是一个命令行界面工具,可用于初始化、开发、构建和维护 Angular 应用。
Angular directive for use the jQuery fullPage.js library on Angular.js v1.x
This is a basic template project to start with Angular 14.x and BabylonJS