Alias legacy ZF class names to Laminas Project equivalents.
翻译 - Alias旧版ZF类名称与Laminas Project等效项。
Migrate Zend Framework MVC applications, Expressive applications, Apigility applications, or third-party libraries to target Laminas.
Hypertext Application Language implementation for PHP and PSR-7
Replace zendframework and zfcampus packages with their Laminas Project equivalents.
PHP OOP wrapper for the Twitter API
ZendTwig is a module that integrates the Twig template engine with Laminas.
league/oauth2-client adapter for zend-expressive-authentication
Doctrine hydrators for Zend Framework applications
#区块链#Zend Framework 2 (ZF2) client library for blockchain wallet api. Configure request, call the service and access the response data via objects.
web application for managing a busy court interpreters office.
HTTP Basic Authentication adapter for zend-expressive-authentication.
AssetsBundle is a module for Zend Framework 3+ allowing asset management (bundling & caching)
ABANDONED Doctrine hydrators for Zend Framework applications
Aura.Di container configurator based on ZF ServiceManager configuration
ZF1 compatible PHP ext-session persistence adapter for zend-expressive-session.
🔒 💻 🌿 API RestFull com Oauth2, MongoDB no Zend Framework 3
Consume zend-mvc modules as configuration providers within zend-config-aggregator.