🌎 A modern cross-platform JavaScript bridge, through which you can invoke each other's functions synchronously or asynchronously between JavaScript and native.
翻译 - :earth_americas:现代的跨平台JavaScript桥,通过它,您可以在JavaScript和本机之间同步或异步调用彼此的功能。
🌏 A modern cross-platform JavaScript bridge, through which you can invoke each other's functions synchronously or asynchronously between JavaScript and native.
🌉 A Bridge for Sending Messages between Swift and JavaScript in WKWebViews.
一站式解决 WKWebView 支持离线包,Ajax/Fetch 请求,表单请求和 Cookie 同步的问题 (基于 Ajax Hook,Fetch Hook 和 Cookie Hook)
#安卓#A simpler, extendable bidirectional communication Frame between Android WebView and Javascript
#IOS#Swift version of WebViewJavascriptBridge with more simplified and friendly methods to handle messages between Swift and JS in UIWebViews
#安卓#How to Inspecting Android WebView, Network logs, XHR logs (including url request and parameter) and Element/DOM inspecting
#安卓#PopupBridge allows WebViews to open popup windows in a browser and send data back to the WebView
#安卓#Webview and Native Android layer 2 way communication in Android Kotlin
#IOS#FMWebViewJavascriptBridge inspired by WebViewJavascripBridge and react native
#安卓#android webview javascript bridge
#安卓#This is a communication between Android applications and Web Javascript to establish a bridge between the call support each other
Three party libraries of Tencent x5webview and JS interaction
#IOS#iOS JsBridge Solution by WebViewJavascriptBridge
#安卓#CompatWebView is used to fix addJavascriptInterface below Android 4.2
#IOS#Webview and Native Android layer 2 way communication in iOS Swift