#网络爬虫#Web Site Page Changes Monitor. 网站网页页面更新变更监控提醒。
Monitore your websites availability, http status code (current and history), certificate, redirects and more with Grafana and Prometheus blackbox exporter.
Websites monitoring via GitHub Actions (expiration, security, performances, privacy, SEO)
#网络爬虫#A simple amazon tracker that sends you an email when prices of your followed products fall down!
📸 GitHub action for web screenshot
Slack Bot for monitoring websites for codebase changes
Statuscake cool command line tool to control your statuscake account from API
Web Site Monitoring with Google Apps Script
Status Page for monitoring your websites and applications with graphs and analytics.
This little program will monitor your all the websites.
CLI for 360 Monitoring
🔍 Effortlessly monitor any website with our versatile Python script, originally designed for tracking Cortex agent version updates. Stay informed with prompt alerts whenever there are updates or chan...
A simple monitor for web page changes, notifying by email. Suitable for notifying on e.g. warrant canary status changes, or a product marked "Sold Out" becomes available.
Website Uptime Monitor: Python script for monitoring website availability and sending email notifications on downtime using UptimeRobot API and Gmail SMTP.
Monitors the uptime of your websites and HTTP APIs!
Python scripts to follow website updates
Sistema de Monitoreo de Servicios Sistema automatizado desarrollado en Python para monitorear la disponibilidad de sitios web y bases de datos. Detecta caídas de servicios y envía alertas por correo e...