This package is a sample kit of Client Side Web Parts built on the SharePoint Framework SPFx. You can find here different kind of high visual web parts as carousel, images galleries, animations, map, ...
翻译 - 该软件包是基于SharePoint Framework SPFx构建的客户端Web部件的示例工具包。您可以在此处找到不同种类的高视觉Web部件,例如轮播,图库,动画,地图,编辑器等。
Type-safe communication layer (RPC-style) for F# featuring Fable and .NET Apps
JavaScript SharePoint REST Web Services Library
Web Site:
This web part enables Office 365 SharePoint users to embed Instagram feeds from any public Instagram account to SharePoint pages seamlessly with NO NEED for registering any ACCESS_KEY, TOKEN or client...
Creates a Table of Contents on SharePoint Online Modern pages based on the heading tags in the standard Text web part. This has not been tested with standalone SharePoint, but it may work.
Collapsible Accordion Section that can be added to a page & easily populated with SharePoint List data based on List selected by user. Ideal for creating FAQs.
Generative Art Music Rose by HTML5 Canvas
UI layer for the sensenet platform built using ASP.NET pages, webparts and controls.
SharePoint Framework Image Slider
SPFx WebPart example
SPFx WebPart to highlight interactive zones in images
Samples around ArcGIS map web part to demonstrate different capabilities and possibilities on the dynamic connection feature.
SPFx angular webpart in typescript implemented